
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Zimbabwe: Lessons from Land Reform

From Al Jazeera's new global talk show South2North, "hosted from South Africa's Johannesburg as presenter Redi Tlhabi talks frankly to inspiring and intriguing personalities from across the world." Here Redi speaks to Sam Moyo, professor and executive director of the African Institute for Agrarian Studies, as well as to Teresa Smart, author of Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land, and to farmer Charlene Mathais.

Zimbabwe: Lessons from land reform (June 22, 2013)

"In the 1980s Zimbabwe became the poster-child for African independence. Twenty years later, violent land grabs pushed white farmers off their land, and the economic turmoil caused unprecedented hyperinflation, resulting in the ultimate crash of the Zimbabwean currency. Food production collapsed and one of the continent's strongest economies reduced to half its previous size. While the West was quick to dismiss Zimbabwe as another failed African state, new research shows that Zimbabwe is actually recovering, and that land reform is working. After years of economic collapse caused by violent land grabs, Zimbabwe is recovering, but who is reaping the benefits?"

For more on this story: